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Upgrading Onionspray

Upgrading Onionspray can be done in many ways, an in this guide we mention only a few.

Always backup before upgrading

In any case, always backup your setup before doing an upgrade.

Read the ChangeLog

Always check the ChangeLog before doing an upgrade, especially paying attention to any breaking change that may impact your setup. There you can find specific procedures to handle these breaking changes.

Simpler approach: start all over

If unsure, get a fresh copy of the Onionspray repository:

  • First, stop the services.
  • Then move the existing installation away to some other location (say from /srv/onionspray to /srv/onionspray.20240207).
  • Then clone the Onionspray repository into the desired local (say /srv/onionspray).
  • Proceed with the installation.
  • Import your existing .onion keys, HTTPS certificates and configuration files from the previous installation.
  • Reconfigure all your projects.
  • Start everything.

Usual approach: upgrade an existing installation

If you prefer, you can upgrade an existing installation in place after backing up and reading the ChangeLog.

Go to the Onionspray folder and upgrade the Git repository working copy:

cd /path/to/onionspray
git pull

You can also checkout Onionspray in a specific release/revision.

Optionally upgrade the installation by running the script related to your Operating System and method. This is useful if the new Onionspray version relies on updated upstream binaries, and you can safely skip this if you're relying on upstream packages. Example:


Then reconfigure each existing project:

./onionspray config myproject.conf

Finally, restart all your projects:

./onionspray restart -a

If you're running softmaps, please also restart Onionbalance:

./onionspray ob-restart -a