Tips when mining Onion Addresses for Onionspray¶
You are setting up an Onion site! And you want a vanity .onion address! There is lots of software out there that you can use to generate them!
What to use?¶
Some people mine .onion addresses on local hardware for privacy and safety, whilst others are happy to rent a GPU-based compute-heavy instance from AWS, or similar.
We're not going to make terribly strong software recommendations, because it's a matter of what you have at your disposal already, and what fits the hardware that you have access to.
For instance, you can build a small cluster of Raspberry Pi, and use mkp224o for mining with them, by compiling the code using the instructions and the tuning instructions to build something suitable for this use-case. You can also give Onionmine a try.
If you are looking for a really meaningful, long-prefix onion address up front, you will have to expend a lot of money and CPU-time in order to find one. This is why the next section is really important in order to get the most "bang for your buck".
Remember that this process is also energy-intensive, so we don't recommend that you go after a very long prefix. Try to get something up 7 characters.
How to best approach this challenge?¶
If you're setting up multiple onions for your site -- eg. if there is one/more CDNs associated with your site, it is nice to set up vanity onions for them, too; partly for "cute" but also to stop yourself going crazy during debugging.
For instance, the (defunct, v2) NYT onion was https://www.nytimes3xbfgragh.onion/ and their CDN onion was https://graylady3jvrrxbe.onion/
Similarly there were https://www.facebookcorewwwi.onion/ and https://fbcdn23dssr3jqnq.onion/ for Facebook.
Ask yourself now: perhaps use your CDN Onion to reflect your own history and site/brand culture? Perhaps you can mine several onion addresses at the same time, even speculatively?
Onion mining is a matter of luck and expensive resource, and (counterintuitively?) the rarest resource that you have, is time as-measured by your wall clock.
Therefore, if you are mining onions for a lot of sites, the best strategy is follows:
Have breakfast and some tea or coffee. Try to get into a creative mood. You are making an investment of time and energy now to save yourself time and effort, later.
Sit down, open a document, and try to think inclusively of EVERY POSSIBLE PREFIX THAT YOU MIGHT EVER FIND ACCEPTABLE at the start (or suffix, at the end) of your onion addresses, for all of your sites and CDNs, and write them all down. You may create 10, 20, or more. No ideas are bad ideas. Deduplicate them (e.g.: it's pointless to look for
if you're already looking for anything beginning withnyt
). Each additional prefix is nearly zero-cost, compared to the days, weeks, or months of time that your computers will spend in grinding their way through cryptography. -
Configure your software to search for all of these, for all of your sites, simultaneously. Set it running. Make sure to configure options (or: wrap it in a shell script) so that it runs 24x7, saving all the successful matches into the local filestore.
If/when you think of yet another prefix, stop your software, configure the extra prefix, and start it running again. Save all of the successful matches, never throw anything away.
When you are approaching ship-date, get all the relevant parties together (or just yourself) and grab some beer/wine and use
to go looking for the best ones. Eyeball the whole list, if you can. -
You will be surprised -- especially if you've invested fully into choosing as many meaningful prefixes as possible -- because you're dealing with randomness here, and raw entropy is more creative than you'd ever imagine.
There is also a vast amount of noise -- huge, enormous quantities of gibberish -- but that's okay, because (again)
is much cheaper thanencryption+wallclocktime
. -
When we mined the Facebook onion address, the search-patterns were
and a few others all in a single pattern. We drank beer and spent a few days deciding amongst the good ones. -
Similarly the pattern for the NY Times was
and a few other potential prefixes, perhaps a dozen, all in one pattern; and I mined onion addresses for other sites at the same time, on the same hardware, in the same process. -
Why do it this way? In short, because encryption is relatively expensive, and string comparisons are really cheap. Every single candidate onion address that you generate, should be tested against everything that you can imagine ever looking for, otherwise it's a wasted opportunity.
Ideally, make sure that you are thoroughly in control of the backups and storage of the machine upon which you are doing the mining; try to use an encrypted partition if you can.
Ensure that you have proper controls over all media which ever receives a copy of the Onion address key.
Best of luck to you. :-)
Converting your v3 onion addresses for Onionspray¶
Tools like mkp224o
save the keys they generate as three separate files:
, hs_ed25519_secret_key
, and hostname
; this is
elegant but hard to manipulate, so Onionspray creates its own standard for
storing v3 onion addresses in the secrets
If you are in a directory which contains the above-named three files, you can run a helper shellscript by using a command, something like:
... which will safely create TWO files:
... that can be moved into your ~/onionspray/secrets/
folder, for Onionspray
to use when you run onionspray config ...
Make sure to test the keys¶
Regardless of the tool you used to generate your keys, please test first with a tor implementation before putting it on production, to ensure it will work and is accepted by the tor daemon.
If you mine Onion Addresses, beware, and always test them thoroughly on Onionspray, especially before buying TLS Certificates which cites them.
Check that it matches your expectation, and if not, discard that vanity address and start over.