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GitLab deployments

Automated GitLab deployments

The deploy-onion-launchpad-on-gitlab allows for a semi-automated deployment procedure on GitLab. It works both for the official and other instances.


  1. Setup a GitLab account for the deployments. Make sure that this account is validated to run CI/CD jobs.
  2. Setup GitLab authentication for this account.
  3. Install python-gitlab. For Debian, the package is python3-gitlab.
  4. Configure python-gitlab by creating a ~/.python-gitlab.cfg file. Use the provided .python-gitlab.cfg.sample as example.


Copy from the example provided by Onion Launchpad:

cp /path/to/onion-launchpad/configs/deploy/

Or copy from an existing configuration:

cp gitlab/$agency/$someothersite.ini gitlab/$somesite.ini

Then adjust the settings:

$EDITOR gitlab/$somesite.ini


First, manually create a new group on GitLab. Due to abuse in the automated group creation, this step cannot be automated.

Then use the GitLab deployment script provided by Onion Launchpad:

/path/to/onion-launchpad/scripts/deploy-onion-launchpad-on-gitlab \

Triggering a build on GitLab

Follow these steps to manually trigger an Onion Launchpad pipeline at some GitLab mirror (requires privileges at the mirror repository):

  1. Go to the mirror repository, like${group}/${group}
  2. Then go to CI/CD -> Pipelines,${group}/${group}
  3. Click on "Run pipeline" or go directly to${group}/${group}
  4. Click on "Run pipeline" again to execute.

Then you can follow the build log for unexpected errors, but in general the build should be successful and the landing page will be updated at [https://${group}

GitHub deployments

Onion Launchpad comes with a GitHub action for landing page deployment that triggers on repository changes and also maintains a scheduled rebuild.

Automated GitHub deployments

The deploy-onion-launchpad-on-github allows for a semi-automated deployment procedure on GitHub.


  1. Setup a GitHub account for the deployments.
  2. Setup GitHub access token for this account with the repo and admin:org scopes.
  3. Install PyGithub (the Debian package is pygithub) and GitPython (python3-git Debian package).
  4. Create a ~/.pygithub.cfg file. Use the the provided .pygithub.cfg.sample as example.


Configuration is analogous to the GitLab procedure, but use the provided GitHub config sample instead:

cp /path/to/onion-launchpad/configs/deploy/ \


First, manually create a new organization on GitHub, as this step currently cannot be automated.

Then use the GitLab deployment script provided by Onion Launchpad:

/path/to/onion-launchpad/scripts/deploy-onion-launchpad-on-github \

Manual repository creation

If you prefer to manually create an Onion Launchpad repository fork on GitHub, proceed as follows:

  • Log into GitHub using your project's user.
  • Create a free organization.
  • Create an empty repository under this organization:
  • At${organization}/repositories/new, where ${organization is the organization name you just created.
  • Named as ${organization}
  • Make sure to let the repository visibility set to "public".
  • Do not initialize the repository.

Now you just need to push Onion Launchpad code to this remote:

cd /path/to/onion-launchpad
git remote add organization${organization}/${organization}
git push organization main

Triggering a build on GitHub

Follow these steps to manually trigger an Onion Launchpad pipeline at some GitHub mirror (requires privileges at the mirror repository):

  1. Go to the mirror repository, like${organization}/${organization}
  2. Then go to Actions,${organization}/${organization}
  3. Select the "GitHub Pages" action.
  4. Click on the "Run workflow" button and click again the inner "Run workflow" button.

Then you can follow the build log for unexpected errors, but in general the build should be successful and the landing page will be updated at https://${organization}

Setting up a mirror on GitHub

The GitHub action for landing page deployment can also be used together with GitLab to GitHub mirroring, triggering landing page builds for all commits added to the main branch.

The following example assumes you have admin access at the [Onion Launchpad upstream repository][], but you can easily adapt to whatever GitLab repository you're using as the Onion Launchpad mirror origin.

[Onion Launchpad upstream repository][]:

  • Start by adding a new mirror on the GitLab repository settings:
  • Git repository URL: ssh://${organization}/${organization}
  • Mirror direction: push.
  • Input or detect host keys.
  • Authentication method: SSH public key.
  • Mirror only protected branches.
  • Click on "Mirror repository".
  • The mirror will appear in a listing below the form. Click on the clipboard icon to copy the generate SSH public key for this mirror into your clipboard.
  • On GitHub keys config page:
  • Add a new SSH key, pasting the SSH public key into the form.
  • On${organization}/${organization}
  • Add a new repository secrets for each environment variable.
  • Again on GitLab repository settings:
  • Click on the refresh button of this mirror to do the initial push into the remote GitHub repository.
  • On${organization}/${organization}
  • Manually trigger the "GitHub Pages" workflow to build the landing page for the first time.
  • Check that the GitHub page branch (gh-pages) is automatically built after the workflow runs.
  • On${organization}/${organization}
  • Set the pages source branch to gh-pages.
  • Again on${organization}/${organization}
  • Watch for the pages-build-deployment workflow.

Now your landing page mirror should be accessible via http://${organization}