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Installing Onionbalance


This section refers to the older v2 codebase. Although outdated, it's still available for historic purposes.

Onionbalance requires at least one system that is running the Onionbalance management server.

The Onionbalance software does not need to be installed on the backend servers which provide the onion service content (i.e. web site, IRC server etc.).

Onionbalance is not yet packaged for most Linux and BSD. The tool can be installed from PyPI or directly from the Git repository:

# pip install onionbalance


$ git clone
$ cd onionbalance
# python install

If you are running Debian Jessie (with backports enabled) or later you can install Onionbalance with the following command:

# apt-get install onionbalance

There is also a python 3 based package available in Fedora >= 25:

# yum install python3-onionbalance

For CentOS or RedHat 7 there is a python 2 based package available in the EPEL Repository:

# yum install python2-onionbalance

All tagged releases on Github or PyPi are signed with my GPG key:

pub   4096R/0x3B0D706A7FBFED86 2013-06-27 [expires: 2016-07-11]
      Key fingerprint = 7EFB DDE8 FD21 11AE A7BE  1AA6 3B0D 706A 7FBF ED86
uid                 [ultimate] Donncha O'Cearbhaill <>
sub   3072R/0xD60D64E73458F285 2013-06-27 [expires: 2016-07-11]
sub   3072R/0x7D49FC2C759AA659 2013-06-27 [expires: 2016-07-11]
sub   3072R/0x2C9C6F4ABBFCF7DD 2013-06-27 [expires: 2016-07-11]

Now that Onionbalance is installed, please move to Installing Tor.